Blue Ridge Landfill

The Shadow Creek Ranch MUDs received over 100 emails from residents who are concerned about the Blue Ridge Landfill.  These emails were forwarded to the TCEQ Regional and Executive Director as well as city, county, and state representatives. In addition, the SCR MUDs have taken the following actions:

  • SCR MUD Directors (one from each Board), along with City of Pearland representatives and State Representative Ed Thompson, attended a TCEQ hearing in Austin, Texas on July 7, 2017, regarding approval of the TCEQ Agreed Order Docket No. 2016-1923-AIR-E issued to the Landfill and to speak on behalf of residents’ desire for a swift and satisfactory resolution to the Landfill odor nuisance.
  • SCR MUDs engaged special counsel to file comments to the Agreed Order and to monitor TCEQ enforcement of the Order
  • SCR MUDs continue to advocate resident attendance at Pearland City Council meetings via the SCR MUD website and notices published in the monthly newsletters: The Connection and the Shadow Creek Ranch Area Newsletter
  • At the request of State Representative Ed Thompson, a BFB MUD 1 Director, Heather Zayas, spoke on behalf of SCR residents to Texas lawmakers at a House Environmental Subcommittee hearing on April 24, 2018 regarding the effects of living near the Blue Ridge Landfill.

You may track the status of the Order by visiting the TCEQ’s home page at the link provided below then click “View Pending Matters and File Documents” then click “Track the status” and type in the TCEQ Docket Number: 2016-1923-AIR-E

TCEQ Website

Please click on the following link to review the Order issued by the TCEQ:

Agreed Order

Further information regarding Blue Ridge Landfill can be found at the following City of Pearland link:

Blue Ridge Landfill

Did You Know?

  1. Did you know the two Shadow Creek Ranch MUDs account for over 19% of the total taxable property in the City of Pearland for the 2016 tax year?
  2. Did you know that Shadow Creek Ranch resident Derrick Reed won election to Pearland City Council in 2015 and was appointed Mayor Pro Tem in 2017?
  3. Did you know that the first phase only of the first public park in Shadow Creek Ranch owned and operated by the City of Pearland is finished? The MUDs paid for the public water, sewer, and drainage facilities serving the Sports Park and the City started Phase 2 of the Park with approximately $1.3 million more to construct facilities.
  4. Did you know the two Shadow Creek Ranch MUDs pay extra to have 13 off duty city police officers do extra patrol in Shadow Creek Ranch?  Did you know the MUDs voted to pay for some detention ponds repairs that Shadow Creek Ranch Maintenance Association (SCRMA) would have paid so that SCRMA could install, pay for, and operate security cameras at our major entrances so we can help the police catch criminals in our neighborhood? Did you know SCRMA has worked with the security patrol officers to provide access to the cameras and video feed?
  5. Did you know that annually by March 31, each MUD must file a report regarding its financial health? Did you know that reports are available to the public on EMMA, the Electronic Municipal Market Access website, at